I-44 west to the second exit after I-270 (Bowles exit).
Turn left onto Bowles at the top of the exit ramp, and cross over I-44.
Keep following Bowles through the broad S curves, and go up the hill.
At the very crest of the hill is a dedicated left turn lane at the entrance to San Simeon Estates - there is now a traffic light at this location, due to the new hospital across the road.
[If you miss the left turn, the next thing you will see is the traffic light at New Highway 141 at the bottom of the other side of the can continue through the traffic light and turn around in the Walgreens, the Burger King, or one of the gas stations at the next light (Old Highway 141).]
Turn left into the San Simeon Estates subdivision - this is Villa Gran Way.
Take Villa Gran Way to the second street on the left (San Martin Drive).
Turn left on San Martin Drive - 1738 is the last house on the right at the bottom of the hill, just before the large vacant lot and the turnaround circle.